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Magic is not Magical

Since my childhood, I’ve never not admired the beauty of a “Tree”-A tall, upright fellow, chinned up to the blue sky; grounded so deep almost piercing through the tanned earth; its branches delicately hugging one another while the light-headed leaves 🌿 greeted the wind side-to-side.

A family of small birds coming together for a vacation on the tree-top in symphonic chirrups and occasional raids of squirrel-vigilantes 🐿 raining on their parade; the very sight of it all appeared so magical as if angels had descended from heaven!

How could I forget!? The cool shade quilling over my tired-from-blinking eyes as soon as I would set my back against its trunk, Oh! I never felt so calm, like paused in time. It felt light, like I was no longer obliged to the force of gravity.

It was not just a feeling like-home
It was my home. 
It still is.

You see, growing up in a city that smelled of clean, crisp air much better than a cologne, fortified with green belts and wide neighbourhood parks, I should never have had this dream of living in a TREE-HOUSE. Why? It’s because it was supposed to be built somewhere, bossing around for its due rent. 
Yet, to my great surprise I never spotted one! 

Why in the god’s name, wouldn’t a single house in the city want this living magic in its backyard? 

Yes, I’m aware! A tree-house can also be home to a few uninvited guests and although I’m freaking scared of 🐾 animals, insects, reptiles, and basically every mobile species, I knew I could scare them away if not coexist with them (doesn’t seem believable to date). Anyhow, I was determined to build a tree-house and make it my personal refuge, my rendezvous!

But here we go again.

Of course, there’s a 'but' in every big announcement, a ‘tony’ in every love triangle; a ‘charade’ in every magic; so there had to be ‘concrete' in every urban house. 

For a gullible kid I was, I accepted all those buts, no matter deep-down how much I wanted to confront the person who subtly sneaked those buts into my world of fiction (I would now choose a stubborn me any day). 
I had hardly begun talking my parents out of it when I saw a distant tree 🌳 from my room’s window suddenly turning whiteish yellow-a colour I never knew it had it in itself.
As I grew up, I figured that expressing emotion is a universal concept for all species alike. 

The once crimson-crowned fellow that had conquered countless wild storms was there today, standing still, trembling from a jarring noise. 
Soon, the long-crooked neck of a massive yellow engine gripped the timid tree by its bark, shook it for a bit till it shed green tears that dried quickly 🍂 upon touching the unfriendly roasted grass.

Before I could picture myself architecting the design of my tree-house, its flaky cylindrical trunk had been stumped-out for nothing. The scene made me shudder. I didn’t blink my eyes for a few minutes. 

Could you miss something you’ve never had? 

I don’t know. But that moment, I did. 
I reminisced the comfort of spending my spring break nesting on the tall, bright red slightly yellow Katsura tree, hovering over its smooth branches 🪵 and reluctantly sliding down its thick, hard ridges.

Magic is not magical. It is a farce. And no one could convince me otherwise.
Of what I had considered to be a living piece of magic, couldn’t even bring itself back to life. Let alone it didn’t  even run for its life. 

That day, instinctively this question passed my mind-"Was the dumb tree more miserable or the intelligent man?"

Even if I had found an answer back then, it would have been no big revelation. Rather it would have lost its meaning as the next day I witnessed some bricks and mortar aspiring for the same blue sky over my royal tree’s grave.
A new house had finally found its place in the city…it just wasn’t the house 🏡 I was looking for!

By- Agrita Arora

~ If you feel more than just pity for our green protectors, go protect them. 


  1. "Humans are the only creatures who cut the 🌴 tree and make 📜 paper and then write ✍️ save tree on it."

    1. Yes, that's one sad irony. Thankfully, recycling tech and digitalisation to the rescue!

  2. बहुत सुंदर लेख । वृक्ष जीवन है । वृक्ष काटने के मतलब है कि जीवन को काट रहे हैं यानी कि खत्म कर रहे हैं। इसलिए ज्यादा से ज्यादा वृक्षारोपण किया जाए और जो वृक्ष पहले लगाए जा चुके हैं उनका संरक्षण हो।

  3. What a lovely article- so beautifully written.And so pertinent today- we need to keep the magic alive.

  4. Beautifully written. Well expressed. It is the need of the hour. I hope poeple start realising it.

  5. Beautiful article on the tree because trees are uor life

  6. Dear Agrita,

    Wonderful article, every word makes sense and every line is a life lesson.
    I am Sandeep, worked with your father for a long time, and now happy to have his vision aligned through your words,
    God Bless you Dear,

  7. Trees too Speak a little. We see the weather mesmerising throughout the year leaving a different essence every month. We never try understanding the emotions of a tree giving life around. They think of us by giving new lives to us in a natural way. And, we're rather catastrophic. Time should change.

    I'm one of your closest friend who seems to understand what exactly you tried to stay. Happy to see you rising. Stay blessed

  8. Beautiful beta ji


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