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A Letter of Apology

How often have you felt the peer group you’re surrounded with is not worth fitting into? That you have belied your instinct knowing that it was the only voice you wanted to believe in? Ever felt that you are your only best friend? 
The following is a letter of apology which transcends the physical bond of friendship between two entities. Read below to know more about X and how its relationship with Y has affected their trust function!

786, Angel Street

Creatus Villa


25th June, 2021


Dear X


You would probably be wondering why this letter is addressed to X? Hang tight! By the end of it you’ll have your answer. For now, simply believe that you came into my life unknown and helped find the Y in me.


Do you remember how I would need no one when I had you? How you would always get me when no one else would? How all of our joys and sorrows were one? 

Our little make-believe world was just enough for us until…I let you go away.


You see, I am no exception! I am one of those. 

Those who fear change. Those who curse the ones they love and comfort the ones they despise. Those who make wrong choices to feel belonged. Those who realise some things only with time. 


It started when I was made to face an unfamiliar world and was called upon to assume my safe space in a bunch of new strangers. Their glossy etiquettes lured me. They promised me that I won’t be afraid of change anymore, that they would become my cheer and my tribe. They asked me to let go of you and become one of them. 


Like always, I was caught in a spot. Like always, you came over and said, “This isn’t like you, this isn’t what you want, trust me for you cannot go far without me.” 

But unlike always, that day, I didn’t need you.


I couldn’t let my tribe think that I was delicate and vulnerable. I refused to understand what your words meant and drifted away into my newfound independence. That day, I completed my tribe but with you gone, I had lost a part of myself.


For a long lost time, I was frozen in that unfamiliar world amidst the wrong choices.

Dear X, I know my betrayal did not book you for a surprise because you knew this had had to happen. Today had to come when I would find you again, write you an apology for escaping my reality and abandoning the only true friend to me!

I am sorry my friend : “My Conscience” for I have failed you. You might not be a tangible entity but please know that I trust you. I’m sorry that I let you go away.


If there was a way back, I would have listened to you more often as I promise I would, the way ahead.

I’ll always need you because Y always depends on X!


Yours faithfully 



  1. What a wonderful piece of work this is, great work Agrita

    1. Thank you Kriti, this means a lot coming from you! 🌻

  2. Has your conscience ever stopped you from doing things that didn’t feel right?
    Let me know your thoughts below!

    1. I feel Every action of a man is good - possibly right, if it is done according to his conscience.....
      Every action is bad - possibly wrong, if from it he later experiences remorse..

      Yeah it happens..You hear a soft persuasive voice of your own screaming and suggesting not to do this and then you feel like weightload has got off your head...

    2. So true! Our instincts don’t lie. If we trust that voice, we know what to do! :D

  3. Wonderful Really Heart touching 🤗

  4. Amazing Agrita!! Heart felt read!

    1. Thanks for reading, Glad you could relate!

  5. Didu great !! Really heart 💓 touching

  6. OMG! This is just awesome.. mind blowing.. cant beleive.. my lil girl has grown up..

  7. Simply Amazing!! Dear Agrita, you are Blessed with beautiful power of Imagination and wonderful expression.. I am sure you are Going to make your family proud of your achievements.... the days are approaching fast.. Best Wishes PrabhatB Garg

    1. Amazing !!! Very mature expression. Stay blessed beta.

    2. Thank you so much. Means a lot!

  8. Sometimes we think something will happen for sure but we must myst live in present. Just my thought coz world was about to collapse in 2012 but we survived. Surely everything has a solution or that thought will come true. So just enjoy the life. And this poem is very interesting.

  9. This just touched!!
    I could relate very well and somehow I felt.....Ahhh. difficult to explain in words..
    Thanks a bunch for this masterpiece! ✨

  10. Your piece of writing is a reminder that one cannot lie to one's conscience and lead a wholesome happy life. Sooner or later it all comes back as a storm and sometimes its too late to make any amendments. Its important to stick to ones principles howsoever difficult the path seems. It will give you immense contentment in the future

    1. Very well articulated! This is precisely what my letter talks about. Let’s be honest with ourselves at least 🌻


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